Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Fruit Punch!

Hi loves, 

Warning!  You will get hungry after seeing the pictures in this post.  I have been living in Puerto Rico a little bit over a month now, and I have tasted an assortment of delicious tropical fruits.  I grew up eating most of the fruits I will be sharing with you, and I recently added Ketambillas, a very sour fruit similar in appearance to a grape, and similar in taste to gooseberry.  Actually, ketambillas are from the gooseberry family.  I am not sure if they are a super fruit, but certainly it should be added as one.  I blended and strained mine into a delicious juice recently!  In another post I will share the recipe.

These tasteful tropical gems have also inspired some of my recent summer outfits.  I am so happy that fruit prints are still a trend.  I probably would still wear it even if they weren't trendy  Fruit prints make me really really happy, and they are always a sweet conversation piece! 

I hope you enjoy! 



Passion Fruit



Romper: Silhouette Boutique Puerto Rico
Sandals: Zara
Sunglasses: Forever 21

Sandals: Target
Skirt: J.Crew (Thrifted)
Top: J. Crew (no longer available) but similar: Moda OperandiMod Cloth
Necklace: From the Philippines

Bag: Urban Outfitters Urban Outfitters

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Mi Desayuno Alegre/ My Happy Breakfast

Mi Desayuno Alegre/My Happy Breakfast

Hola hermosos (as),

Desde que les compartí varias fotos con recetas que he preparado recientemente, muchas personas me han pedido que las comparta.  Y pues, ¡sus deseos son órdenes!  Hoy les comparto una receta que me llena de felicidad todas las mañanas.  Es un desayuno llenito de ingredientes naturales y saludables, y lo mejor es que te lo puedes llevar contigo al trabajo, a la escuela, a la universidad, o a cualquier destino.  Es fácil de preparar, eso si, deben hacerlo varias horas antes de consumirlo o la noche antes y dejarlo en el refrigerador para que repose y coja todos los sabores y gustitos de los ingredientes.

También quiero compartir con mis amigos que residen en Puerto Rico donde pueden conseguir los productos orgánicos que han visto en las fotos que he subido a mi cuenta de Instagram (Síganme @dianamargarita1) y Facebook.  Al final de esta entrada les dejo la información para que apoyen nuestra agricultura local y se mantengan bien saludables, comiendo fresco y natural.

Hi loves,

Today I will share my go to happy breakfast recipe.  This breakfast recipe is full of healthy ingredients.  Not only that, it is also easy to prep and you can take it anywhere--your job, school, college...  I recommend you prepare it the night before and let it chill in the fridge overnight.  But its ok, if you don't have time at night.  You can also prepare it, and chill it for a bit while you get ready for your day. Its best to do it overnight so that the ingredients and flavors blend in nicely.

Also, if you find yourself in Puerto Rico and are looking for healthy dining options, I am sharing information below on where you can buy fresh, and organic produce in the island, as well as spots for dining.


Una Taza Grande o un Recipiente de Cristal
A Large Mug or Glass Jar

1/2 Taza de Avena
1/2 Cup of Oatmeal

2 Cucharadas de Sopa de Yogur Griego (con bajo por ciento de grasa o sin grasa)
2 Soup Spoons of Low-Fat or Non-Fat Greek Yoghurt 

3/4 Taza de Leche de Almendras (a mi me gusta natural, pero igual pueden comprar la leche de almendras con sabor a vainilla)

3/4 cup of Almond Milk (I prefer the original kind, but you can buy flavored almond milk, preferably vanilla)

Nueces y Pasas (o moras deshidratas) al gusto
Nuts and Raisins (as much as you desire)

1 1/2 Cucharadas de Semillas de Chia 
1 1/2 Tablespoons of Chia Seeds

1 Guineo o Plátano o  4 Fresas Picadas
1 banana or 4 strawberries chopped

1 Cucharadita de Miel (o mas si te gusta bien dulce)
1 Teaspoon of Honey ( or more if you like sweets)

1 Cucharadita de Mantequilla de Almendras o Maní (opcional) 
1 Teaspoon of Almond or Peanut Butter (optional)

Producto Final
Final Product


Pon todos los ingredientes en el frasco de cristal, y mézclalos con una cuchara ligeramente.  Agita el frasco un poco para que se mezclen bien todos los ingredientes y sabores.  Pon el frasco en el refrigerador la noche antes de tomártelo.  O si desayunas tarde, lo puedes hacer temprano en la mañana y ponerlo en el refrigerador 1-2 horas.   


Combine all the ingredients in the glass jar and blend them lightly using a spoon.  You can also shake the jar once its sealed so that the ingredients and flavors mix well.  Put the jar in your fridge and let it chill overnight.  If you have your breakfast later during the day, you can do this recipe early in the morning, and let it chill in the fridge for 1-2 hour.

Donde conseguir frutas y vegetales frescos en el área metro de Puerto Rico
Oprime el enlace ("link) para ir a sus páginas y ver horarios de operación

1. El Departamento de la Comida (Santurce) 

2. Placita de La Roosevelt (Hato Rey) 

3. Mercado Agrícola Natural (Old San Juan)

4. Mercado Agrícola de Condado Ventana al Mar (Condado) 

Where to find fresh produce in Puerto Rico and dining options

Organic and Ecological Farmers Markets

1. El Departamento de la Comida (Santurce) 

2. Placita de La Roosevelt (Hato Rey) 

3. Mercado Agrícola Natural (Old San Juan)

4. Mercado Agrícola de Condado Ventana al Mar (Condado) 

Dining Options

1. El Departamento de la Comida (Santurce)
2. Pura Vida Vegetarian Bistro (Ocean Park)
3. Pure and Natural (Condado)
4. Verde Mesa (Old San Juan)
5. Vigor (Hato Rey)
6. La Zanahoria (Hato Rey)
7. Mate (Old San Juan)
8. Pani Agua (Old San Juan)
9. Basico Jugería(Santurce)
10. Fresh Bistro (Old San Juan)
11. Alive Eatery (Guaynabo)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Styling Transitions...

Hi loves,

Its been 2 weeks since I move to Puerto Rico and I can't be any happier.  If there is any word that describes what I have been feeling since I moved back is the word freedom.  Freedom of spirit.  There is something about reconnecting with the soil that birthed you, your nation, your neighborhood, your home, your family, that makes you feel protected, nurtured, and loved.  That is of course, if you have had the privilege and blessing of growing up in a place free of turmoils, and wars of all sorts.  I have had the privilege of growing up in a island where your senses are overly stimulated by so much natural beauty.

I love waking up to the smell of fresh grass, trees, and flowers.  I specially love opening my bedroom windows in the morning and seeing a massive tree full of tiny purple flowers, of which branches almost touch my bedroom windows.  I feel truly happy when I hear all sorts of birds singing all day long, and when I go to my local CSA to pick up my vegetables and fruits for the week, and I am greeted with warm hugs and kisses by the staff.  I feel truly connected when I run every evening in  my neighborhood and I can see my neighbors seating in their porches smiling or saying hi to you.  I am madly in love with this boiling heat that makes us Puerto Ricans passionate, driven, tight, close...  And let's not forget the radiant blue and green sparkle our beaches exude.  It brings up all sorts of feelings: nostalgia, happiness, serenity... Yep, that is the place I was born and grew up in, and I am very blessed and privileged to be back here.

So its being a time of transitions in all aspects, including redecorating old spaces to reflect my current lifestyle.  I started several months ago redecorating my old bedroom to reflect my current emotional state! And I am happily sharing the almost-finished product. There are still things to be added, but this is pretty much it.  I will share additional details I continue adding later on. Its full of whimsical, old, and gilded details, and I hope you find inspiration to redecorate your old spaces.  I did mine with little money, and repurposed old furniture/accents.  Its all about letting your creative juices flow!

I will share information on where you can find similar items at the bottom of each picture.


Follow me on Instagram @dianamargarita1 for more pictures!

Flowers & watering can from Michael's 

Vintage embroidered doilies from my mother's collection, but you can find them in Etsy;  Rose accessories dish from Michael's

Galvanized tin baskets from Michael's 

Blue Mason Jar candle holder from Michael's; Straws from Urban Outfitters; Mason Jars repurposed; Flowers from Michaels; Chalks own and given by an old friend of my family

Rose cans from Ikea; Candles from Nordstrom; Birdcage from Michael's; Embroidered tablecloth from my mother's collection
Mason Jar repurposed; Flowers from Michael's; Mini shovel from Michael's; Vintage hair receiver from antique store

Vintage tray and jar from antique store 

Desk Accessories: Pencils from Paper Source; Milk jar from Michaels's; Stapler, notes cube and pencil sharpener from Cynthia Rowley's for Staples collection; Cookie jar from Crabtree & Evelyn

Throw from Anthropologie; Quilt from Marshalls

Everything from Marshalls

Iron Bed from Importadora Española; Vintage English vanity from antique store (All the antique pieces are truly antique pieces!)

Turquoise aluminum Bin from Marshalls

Plants pots, decorative adhesive tape, and chalkboard labels from Michael's; Doily from my mother's collection

Hair flower crowns from Forever 21 and Accesorize

Notebooks from Marshalls and Michael's; File folder Kate Spade from Paper Source; Thank you notes from Michael's and Barnes and Nobles; Gilded file storage from Office Max (I spray painted the file storage)

Gilded bowl (I spray painted a regular bowl); Accessories from Paper Source and Staples